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There’s no better way to understand our Case Management software than to try it out.

Select the Demo That’s Right for You

Insider Threat Case Manager

Mange inquiries and investigations in a secure centralized location. Originally built for the Intelligence Community, our solution is designed for Insider Threat teams that require confidentiality and integrity. Based on EO 13587, NITTF and NISPOM, to ensure compliance and best practices.  No-code, low-code customization to prevent major costs and delays to tailor the solution that fits with your organizational workflow and compliance standards. Fill out the form below and we will get back to you soon! 

Cyber Incident Manager

The Cyber Incident Manager can integrate with popular ITSMs to help separate sensitive incidents from typical tickets. Give your cybersecurity team the ability to isolate, protect and investigate in an environment made for them while ensuring confidentiality and integrity of your data and reports. Designed to follow NIST, ISO, GLBA and CMMC frameworks to ensure compliance and industry best practices. Fill out the form below and we will get back to you soon!

What is Yakabod?

Yakabod is case management software for security-driven companies.

Our platform is designed with a security-first architecture to support teams that manage highly sensitive investigations, incidents, and cases.