Your insider threat investigation data is HIGHLY sensitive. Improper disclosures could be devastating. You’re accountable. In this webinar, Charles Finfrock, Tesla’s first Insider Threat Program Manager, and former CIA agent, will discuss operational security best practices for managing an insider threat program and preserving your peace of mind. If you’re short on time, check out the short clips below for some notable highlights.
We will cover:
Short on time? Watch the most important highlights in these short video snippets.
Charles Finfrock was Tesla’s first Insider Threat Program Manager, where he launched and implemented their program in North America, Europe, and China. Prior to Tesla, Charles spent 18 years with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) where he created and exploited insider threats in the hardest target countries and companies. Charles is a Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist (CAMS), a Certified Bitcoin Professional (CBC), and a Certified Professional Coach (CPC). Today he is the founder of the Finfrock Group, providing private intelligence and counterintelligence services to its clients. You can learn more about Charles at